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Bed Bug Blog

Heat + Knowledge = Dead Bed Bugs

Exploring Bed Bug Habits: Are They Only Out at Night?

You might have heard that bed bugs are nocturnal creatures. But is this piece of information helpful? Sure, it is! Understanding bed bug habits, including when they are most active, is one crucial way of dealing with an infestation.

While these creatures are more active at night, they can also be a problem during the day if conditions are right. In this blog, we’ll explore bed bug’s behavior, feeding patterns, and what you need to know to effectively manage and prevent an infestation.

The Behavior of Bed Bugs: Daytime vs. Night-time Activity

Understanding bed bug behavior, both daytime and night-time, is key in implementing the right strategies for extermination.

Daytime Activity

While bed bugs are known for their nocturnal habits, they also show some minimal daytime activities worth noting, such as.

ü  Hiding Spots

During the day, bed bugs retreat to dark, hidden areas to avoid detection. Common hiding spots include mattress seams, bed frames, baseboards, and behind electrical outlets. To prevent these pests from finding a refuge, consider a bed bug heater rental to treat these areas thoroughly.

ü  Feeding Opportunities

While less common, bed bugs might feed during the day if their usual night-time feeding schedule is disrupted or they are starving. For protection, ensure you regularly inspect your space and use preventive measures to limit daytime feeding opportunities.

ü  Activity Patterns

In the daytime, bed bugs are generally less active and remain hidden. However, if you notice bed bugs moving around during the day, it could indicate a significant infestation or a disruption in their hiding spots. Contacting an affordable bed bug exterminator can help manage and eliminate the infestation.

ü  Detection and Inspection

Daytime can be an optimal time for conducting detailed inspections. Bed bugs’ hiding places, such as mattress seams, behind baseboards, and inside electrical outlets, should be closely examined. Engaging a bed bug removal company ensures a thorough inspection and identification of all hiding spots.

Night-time Activity

Bed bugs are most active at night, making this period critical for detection and prevention.

ü  Feeding Behavior

Bed bugs prefer to feed on their hosts’ blood at night, typically from midnight to 5 a.m. These bites are often unnoticed at first but can lead to itchy welts. Timely prevention action, like using some of the best bed bug treatments, can be useful.

ü  Movement

 Bed bugs are drawn to the inviting warmth and carbon dioxide humans generate at night. Therefore, scheduling an inspection during this time is an excellent idea. Be sure to rent a bed bug heater and other treatment methods in the process.

Detection and Prevention

Night-time activity makes bed bugs harder to detect. Regularly inspecting your bed and surrounding areas, especially before sleep, can help catch infestations early. Combining this with effective treatments from a Nashville exterminator can significantly reduce bed bug problems. Don’t let bed bugs disrupt your peace of mind. You can trust Nashville Bed Bugs, the best bed bug removal company, to provide top-tier, affordable solutions. From bed bug heater rentals to expert extermination services, we are your go-to team for a pest-free home.

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