Welcome To Nashville Bed Bugs
Nashville Bed Bugs provides everything you need to END your bed bug problems quickly and effectively. We offer a range of services, rentals and heat packages for any business or individual.

About Nashville Bed Bugs
Nashville Bed Bugs offers clients the qualities and proven effectiveness that they are looking for to solve their bed bug problems. NBB is a family and veteran owned and operated business based out of Nashville, Tennessee. We specialize in bed bug heat treatments and rentals. By being the first heat rental company in the state of Tennessee, our customers recognize our unmatched training and expertise as well as the super effective heat treatment process. NBB offers heat treatments to residential homes, apartments, short term rental homes (STRP), summer camps, office buildings and more.

Nationally Certified
Tennessee’s only nationally certified Bed Bug heat Treatment experts. In addition to providing that quality service the team realized that not everyone can afford a full service heat treatment so they are offering bed bug heat treatment equipment rentals to make it more affordable for the market.
Reader’s Digest has named Nashville Bed Bugs to be the best bed bug exterminator in the state of Tennessee in its article, (https://www.rd.com/home/bed-bug-exterminator/) – “The Best Bed Bug Exterminator in Every State” .
Better Business Bureau
We are proud that Nashville Bed Bugs is an accredited company affiliated with the Better Business Bureau. The BBB confirms whether a companies practices related to governance, fund raising, solicitations and informational materials, and expenses meet their criteria for fair and honest dealings and ethical practices.
International Bed Bug Resource Authority
Nashville Bed Bugs works in conjunction with the national non-profit IBBRA.org as a recognized Service Provider. The goal at IBBRA is to create a mass public awareness, while educating the public about the reasons why the recent resurgence and about our new challenges that accompany bed bugs. This organization is non-biased, trustworthy, and looks out for the best interests of the consumer.

About The Team
Greg, one of our principals, has been a business man for over 30 years. In the past while managing Short Term Rental Properties (STRP) - vacation homes - he began to realize that there is a Bed Bug epidemic that is not being addressed by too many companies - or if addressed - not addressed properly. It is for this reason that Greg, along with his team went to a national bed bug heat treatment training to become Tennessee’s only nationally certified Bed Bug heat Treatment experts. In addition to providing that quality service the team realized that not everyone can afford a full service heat treatment so they are offering bed bug heat treatment equipment rentals to make it more affordable for the market.
Start Killing Bed Bugs Today
Schedule a treatment, rental or buy bed bug heating equipment. We can help keep you bed bug free!