Standing water is not only an eyesore in your backyard, but it can also be a breeding ground for pesky pests. From mosquitos to rodents, these unwanted guests see standing water as an invitation to your home. And this is not just a nuisance but also poses health hazards to you and your family. So, […]
Is Cold Weather a Viable Method for Exterminating Bed Bugs?
Bed bugs are one of the greatest nuisances when it comes to household pests. These tiny bloodsucking insects can cause immense discomfort and distress for you. If you don’t act in time, you may be forced to abandon your house or some items. So, how best can you eliminate bedbugs? The truth is that there […]
The Usual Household Bugs Found Inside American Houses
There are various types of household bugs that can be found inside a typical American home. And while these creepyvisitors can come visiting at the least of expected times, knowing the kind you are dealing with is an excellent idea. This information will help you develop the best strategy to banish them. It will also […]
Beyond the Bites: Bed Bugs’ Impact on Mental Well-being
Bed bugs are common household pests that usually hide on home furniture, walls, and other hidden spots. But while bed bug bites can be extremely irritating, there’s never a risk of any disease, that we know of. However, severe infestation can cause mental health complications synonymous with post-traumatic stress disorders.Read on to discover five common […]
Do Bed Bugs Come Back After Treatment?
It can be frustrating to treat your home for bed bugs only to have them return, and worse, in a never-ending vicious cycle.You can wash your bed sheets multiple times, vacuum your home and even use bleach. Sadly, this never guarantees that you are free from pests. The fact is, bed bugs are stubborn, and […]
The Emotional Impact Caused by Bed Bugs
While bed bugs are a nightmare and they cause physical discomfort, their bites usually leave behind long-term psychological scars as well. The stress of a bed bug infestation can also exacerbate a pre-existing substance abuse disorder.People who reside in environments infested by bed bugs are at risk of suffering from various issues such as: Insomnia […]
Must-Have Items to Avoid Bringing Bed Bugs from Your Vacation
When summer comes, it’s usually the perfect time to take a break and go for your dream vacation. However, you’ve heard about the alarming rise in bed bug infestations. This may make you worried about staying in hotels or even keeping your luggage in the same area as other passengers. But don’t let worries about […]
Types of Resistance that Pests Develop for Chemicals and Pesticides
Once you notice pest infestation in your home or business, whether bed bug or termite, you’re likely to rush to any store and buy a few pesticides. However, the chemicals might be ineffective because they only kill the pests you see. Besides, the chemicals have been used so much throughout the world that many pests […]
The Most Common Bed Bug Hiding Places At Home
The thought of having bed bugs living alongside your family can be frustrating. That is why it is advisable to locate their nests as soon as possible before the infestation spreads whole over your whole place. Unfortunately, bed bugs tend to hide in unusual spots that you may not think to check, thus making it […]
The Surprising Effects of Bed Bug Infestation
Dealing with bedbugs is a great challenge. When bed bugs infest your home, the effects will go far beyond physical to mental. And as tiny as they are, these pests can have some of the worst skin reactions when they penetrate the skin. The effects even get worse when you don’t use proper extermination methods. […]